Selected Publications

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By Brian I. Johnson, Tahereh G. Avval, Grant T. Hodges, Victoria Carver, Karen Membreno, David D. Allred, and Matthew R. Linford

To maintain high, broad-band reflectance, thin transparent fluoride layers, such as MgF2, are used to protect the of aluminum mirrors against oxidation since aluminum oxide absorbs short wavelength light. In this study, we present, for the first time, combined X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ellipsometric (SE) studies of aluminum oxidation as a function of MgF2 over a range of layer thickness (0-6 nm). We also show for the first time, dynamic SE data which, with appropriate modeling, tracks the extent of oxide growth every few seconds over a period of several hours after the evaporated Al + MgF2 bilayer is removed from the deposition chamber, exposing it to the air. For each SE data set, because the optical constants of ultrathin metals films depend strongly on deposition conditions and their thickness, the optical constants for Al, as well as the Al and Al2O3 thicknesses, were fit. SE trends were confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. There is a chemical shift in the Al 2s electron emission peak toward higher binding energy as the metal oxidizes to Al+3. The extent of oxide growth can be modeled from the relative area of each peak once they are corrected for the attenuation through MgF2 layer. This generates an empirical formula: oxide thickness= k*log(t) +b, for the time-dependent aluminum-oxide thickness on aluminum surfaces protected by MgF2 as a function of MgF2 layer thickness. Here, k is a factor which depends only on MgF2 thickness, and decreases with increasing MgF2 thickness. The techniques developed can illuminate other protected mirror systems.

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By David D. Allred and Matthew R. Linford (et al.)

Aluminum enjoys broad band reflectivity and is widely used as an astronomical reflector. However, it oxides rapidly, and this oxide absorbs very short wavelength light, which limits the performance of aluminum mirrors. Accordingly, thin transparent layers, such as films of MgF2, are used to protect aluminum. In this study, we present an X-ray photoelectron pectroscopy (XPS) study of the chemical changes in MgF2 - protected aluminum that take place as it oxidizes (is exposed to the air). XPS reveals the rate of Al oxidation for different MgF2 thicknesses as determined from measurements obtained from 5 min to 8 months of air exposure. The degree of Al oxidation depends on the MgF2 over layer thickness.

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By David D. Allred, J. Gabriel Richardson, and R. Steven Turley (et al.)

While no solid barrier layer is transparent below ~103nm, simulations show that ~9.5nm LiF on 8.5nm MgF2 on Al could reflect some hydrogen Lyman lines better than a single fluoride layer does. Experiments are promising.

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By Joseph B. Muhlestein, Benjamin D. Smith, Margaret Miles, Stephanie M. Thomas, Anthony Willey, David D. Allred, and R. Steven Turley
Abstract: We report optical constants of e-beam evaporated yttrium oxide Y2O3 thin films as determined from angle-dependent reflectance measurements at wavelengths from 5 to 50 nm. Samples were measured using synchrotron radiation at the Advanced Light Source. The experimental reflectance data were fit to obtain values for the index of refraction and thin film roughness. We compare our computed constants with those of previous researchers and those computed using the independent atom approximation from the CXRO website. We found that the index of refraction near 36 nm is much lower than previous data from Tomiki as reported by Palik. The real part of the optical constants is about 10% to 15% below CXRO values for wavelengths between 17 nm and 30 nm. Films were also characterized chemically, structurally, and optically by ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy.
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Abstract: There is a natural tendency for students to act first (e.g. - build and conduct experiments) and think later (e.g. - outline goals, identify challenges, predict outcomes, etc.). This is often apparent in labs that include student design components. We have developed a lab course structure that teaches students how to develop their ideas and make plans before beginning an experiment by providing multiple opportunities for peer and instructor feedback. As a result, we have seen significant improvements in the success rate and quality of student-designed experiments and presentations. We provide a detailed explanation of the course structure and rubrics and evidence of the impacts of this course structure.
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By Michael Greenburg, David D. Allred, and R. Steven Turley

We report on the results of computationally designing and optimizing

multilayer mirrors for broadband reflectivity in a region spanning from

the vacuum ultraviolet to the infrared. Such a mirror would open up

new possibilities for future space observatories. Because of the

immense number of possible layer combinations and thicknesses for a

multilayer mirror, we automated the mirror selection process with a

genetic algorithm. Starting with a random object population within the

simulation, a genetic algorithm iteratively selects and mutates the best

portion of a population of objects that fit given design criteria to create

a new population; this can be repeated as many times as desired. Our

genetic algorithm yielded a high broadband reflectance mirror, which

was then optimized via gradient search within the program. We found

that placing a few layers under an aluminum coating can significantly

increase extreme ultraviolet reflectivity, which would give access to

important spectral lines such as that of the dominant He-II transition.